Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

13 May 2007

I am taking a day of rest…well, physical rest at least. I am sitting in my cabin, typing away at a grant proposal, and listening to the birds chirp and crickets click outside my door. It’s a beautiful day up here! I also got a chance to review some of my photos. Here’s a great photo of a theoretical population geneticist doing field work! It’s not every day that this happens, and I was fortunate to capture an image of this rare event. Thanks to both Emily and Jeremy for coming up to help and keep me company! Well, my computer battery is about to die, so I think I’ll sit on the porch and sort matrix. One of the unexpected benefits of living in a cabin without electricity is not being a slave to my computer. (An ironic thought for someone writing a blog!)


aimee said...

If I didn't know better, I'd say you guys look like a bunch of ecosystem soil ecologists :).

Jessica said...

Yep, I think I'll be intimately familiar with the soil by the end of the excavation. As tiny as some of the mice teeth are though, I bet I'm still focused on larger things in the soil than you!